Hope you had a nice week. I did myself. You may have noticed that I took a little break from posting here on the blog. I was very intentional about that so I could get some rest after all I put my body through before the book launch. I did a lot of running around to ensure that everything goes well so I was very tired hence the break. I am grateful to God everything went well as planned and beyond. Thanks again to everyone who came through.
For our friends online who couldn’t come, I have short clips from each speaker / reviewer / book launcher of the day and here it is. Photos can’t tell the story and for that reason, I bring you clips from the book launch on video. Please enjoy……….
My Highlight of it all!
I am happy that even the youngest of the people there at the book launch felt and left lifted and empowered. Everybody got a sense of, “I can do better” with myself, life, career, relationship and more. Truly, this is the ESSENCE and CORE of the book and it is applicable to everyone; young and old + men and women.
I have got the same feedback from everyone. I am even very excited from the feedback from the young adults. They have all spoken highly of the book on all their social network. Thanks ladies & gentlemen.
Get Your Copy of Use What You Have : How to take your gifts from potential to fulfill purpose
If you have not got your copy (soft: e-book or hard: paper back) please go ahead and get it. It is a book that will help you think highly of What You can do with What You Have (your gifts).
Buy Use What You Have on Paper Back on Amazon
Uk, Ireland & Europe HERE
USA & Canada HERE
Want a signed copy from me, email me at mojintouch@gmail.com
I want to thank you so much for going on this amazing journey with me. I sincerely am grateful for your love and support and to so many of you I now call friends, thank you.
Have an amazing weekend
Much Love, Mojisola
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Hey Moji, your book launch looked amazing. I hope you are getting some sleep now. I know how tiring and crazy it can be. Love the video and reading the book right now xo
Thank you Stella.
Yes, I got some sleep…you can’t imagine, I went to bed Saturday night at 8pm and woke up at 9am Sunday morning. This hasn’t happened in a long time but I am glad God gave my body that much needed rest. Ha!
Thanks you loads.
Wow, this is amazing!
Didn’t expect anything less….you are a woman of purpose.
I will be getting my kindle copy now and can’t wait to share my review as well.
Congratulations. God bless you.
Thank you Chi.
Enjoy the book. It will bless you indeed.
This is awesome dear MJ.
You are strong and confident……
“I don’t tag myself a coach or a mentor or pastor but I do know God can use us in ways we least expect”…….Mojisola Obazuaye
That is amazing, thank you.
Can’t wait to read the book….
thank you Sam. Yes, it is always important to stand strong and confident. I appreciate you sincerly.
Enjoy the book. Do take care
So wonderful! Congrats on the launch – and I can’t wait to read your book!
Thank you Sarah. Sure you will enjoy it.
Alright do take care.
Congrats Moji! It looks like it was a beautiful event. More grease to your elbow sis.
Thank you dear Sade. Amen!!
God bless you sis.
Congratulations Mojisola! Great job…looks like everyone had a great time!
Everyone did. We give glory back to God.
Thank you for stopping by Linda.