Here in Ireland, it is a bank holiday today. I believe it is the same in other parts of the world that celebrate “Halloween”. Although it is a bank holiday, someone like myself and many other online Entrepreneurs (Bloggers, Vloggers, Writers, Coaches etc) have to work. It is interesting when you live a lap top life because there is always something to do
Furthermore, even though I have to work, working today is one of those things I consider IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT! What do I mean? I will tell you that on Motivation for Monday, please stay with me.
October Blog Reviews (Look book, Beauty, Inspiration-“motifashion”)
For those of you who may be wondering what “motifashion” is, it is a word I coined together because I love Fashion a lot and I love to motivate so I decided I can have it all so I came up with “motifashion”. So motifashion is a mix of Motivation and Fashion and I have done that every Monday since the past 2 years +.
Now, unto the Blogs in no particular order.
To view or read more any of the blogs, please, click on image included in each.
1, Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Using my Mammogram experience as an example, I created awareness on breast cancer since october is breast cancer awareness month. For everything you need to know + HOW you can self assess your breast at home every month, please click image below…………
2, How To Down Play a Dressed Up Look (Street Style Laid-Back Glam)
In this look, I featured on the hottest trends of this season, velvet. I also showcased HOW to dress up a dressy shirt and How to dress it down or down play it. Click on image to read or view more……..
3, 2 Homemade Recipes for Exfoliating Your Lips to get Smooth, Silky and Lip stick ready Lips
On this blog, I shared my homemade recipes for exfoliating the lips for that lipstick ready lips. Click image to read more
4, Two Seasons In Fashion & Motivation for Monday
On this blog, I mixed a summer piece (the pants) with Autumn Floral (the blouse) to share TIPS on maximising your wardrobe. On Motivation for Monday I shared the reason why it is important to ASK. Click image to read more
5, HOW to Use Reflectors to get Golden Hour Effect on Your Photos
On this post, I shared helpful TIPS on how I use reflectors to achieve great images for the Moj in Touch blog photos. A must read for Bloggers and photo enthusiasts. To read more, click on the image
6, Requested Blog ::: My Perfect Nude Lipstick Combination.
On this highly requested blog, I shared HOW I achieve my mix of perfect nude lipstick combination. I also featured the one and only Mrs Obama (FLOTUS). To learn more, view below
7, Double the Colour ::: How to Wear Colours in the Fall / Autumn & Motivation for Monday
A lot of people gravitate towards dark hues in the Fall / Autumn, so I created a post on how to rock colours in the fall to brighten up the dull and dark weather. Please click image to learn more
8, How to Wear Velvet Chic
Velvet is one of the hottest trends to wear this season. However, it is a tricky fabric to work with so in this post, I shared TIPS on how to wear velvet chic. Click image to read more
9, How to Wear White Like a Boss
On this post, I shared TIPS on how to wear an all white ensemble like a professional + Why I was crowed a white wearer. Click link to read more
10, HOW I get Unready on a Lazy Night
I shared the TIPS I use to get unready on those days when all I want to do is go to bead after a long day. Of course y’all know you shouldn’t wear make up to bed right. Click image to learn more
11, The Good Denim ::: 3 Ways to Wear One Denim
In this post, I shared 3 different ways to style one denim. For full details, please click on image
12, 5 Chic Accessories every lady must have in their Closet
On this blog, I shared 5 must have accessories every fashionista must have in their closet. Click image to read more.
Motivation for Monday ::: Important BUT NOT Urgent or Urgent but NOT important
I suffered a set back last month. This one knocked me down. It was the loss of my nephew. If I am been honest, I have never been this down, I actually struggled a lot. I didn’t meet my goals for last month and this month too. It was one of the most challenging things I had to comprehend. All the same I am still grateful for the gift of life because I can still achieve more goals because I am alive.
That incident taught me a great lesson. It taught me what is really important and what is not. When we have our relatives, friends, distant family, we can relate with them but once they are gone, they are gone. This the reason why I wanted to share what is important and not with you today. Here are a few example.
Important BUT not Urgent:
These are things that can wait BUT has to be done. Example include:
1, Write this blog: if I don’t write it, I can always write it the next day.
2, Go to the shopping mail with a friend or have coffee with a friend : it is good to have a relationship with friends but grabbing a coffee with them is not urgent.
3, I love you son or I love you honey: although it is not urgent that you say to your son or husband that you love them daily, it is important to let them know so they can have the assurance that you truly love them. It is even more important to children, it gives them the reassurance that you will always be there for them.
4, Start exercising again: although exercise is important, it is not urgent. It is a lifestyle you can not rush.You have to get used to it.
And on and on and on.
Urgent & Important
These are things that can not wait. They are urgent and they are important as well. Examples include:
1, Having fellowship with the Lord daily: this is the most important thing any child of God should do daily. When you take care of this bit, every other thing is taken care of.
2, Enroll to take that new course before application closes.
3, Set up a standing order to start saving for the future.
4, Finish writing that book you have always wanted to finish.
And on and on. If it sounds urgent and important, it is urgent and important, so it shouldn’t have to wait.
All in all, we need to spend our lives and time on things that are important so we can live and achieve purposeful things. The truth is to be able to do any of the things listed above, we have to be INTENTIONAL about them. For example, it is not urgent to say you love your husband but it is important to say so, it is your reassurance to him that you do. Okay?
That is my quick motivation for today. It is important to live deliberately, intentionally and purposefully. It keeps you on track in life. What is important and urgent to me may not be important to you, these things are relative. So what is important to you now and what is urgent? Please share them with me in the comments below.
For Next Month (November)
1, I will not be putting out a motivation video for the month because I will not have the time to edit it. Although it is important, it is not urgent. I apologise to every one who may be looking for a brand new one. You can catch up on my playlist HERE. They are very good and will inspire you to do better.
2, I will be sharing more look books + impeccable styling tips, beauty and inspiration
3, VERY IMPORTANT : I will be sharing full details of my book. I have been working tirelessly on it for some time now but I suffered a little set back because of the loss of my nephew. I couldn’t focus so I stayed away a little bit. I am excited much and can’t wait to share this with you.
I do hope you had a fantastic October. Wishing you a favour filled November ahead and God bless you today and forever. Although I say it all the time, I sincerely want to thank you so much for going on this amazing journey with me. I love you all
Don’t want to miss a thing on Moj in touch? Feel free to subscribe to the blog to get exclusive CHIC styling TIPS in your inbox. Please do so on the bottom left hand corner of the blog.
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Hey Moji, must be great to look at your Oct content and feel a sense of pride! And I have to say your hair stylist is really hooking you up- love the cornrow braids, when I used to get them done the stylist did them in such a basic way but I love this jumbo braid style. Have a good week! ( :
Thank you dear Biki for stopping by. Yes, I fell proud
Thank you my fam.
My hair stylist is a God sent, she is about 5 doors away from me and just a phone call away. Oh, this ones are called the “feed in cornrows”. You can also see the details of the hair on my YouTube, it is somewhere on this blog too.
It was a great month of fashion, style and inspiration. Well done Moji. You are doing well. Love ya.
Thank you Chi. Love ya right back
October was a definitely a stylish month for you. And I have to say your hair always looks so great. On another, I know October was also a tough month for you with the loss of your nephew. I know i mentioned this before but my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how tough that must have been for you and your family. It’s reminder to never take anything or anyone for granted. God always has a plan for us even thou we may not see it ourselves.
I look forward to hearing more about your book! How exciting!
xo, Jackie
Thank you dear Jackie. I appreciate your kind and comforting words always.
Do take care and have a great week.
I’m so sorry for your loss my friend….I’m sure it was a very painful time…please know that you and your family are in my prayers. Your motivational tips are very well said….God must be first and so many things we think are ‘important’ are not and many that we think can wait, actually can’t…Keep up the wise words!
Dear Linda, thank you so much for this. It means the whole world to me. Love and respect you for this. God bless you.
We have accepted the will of God and we are praying such a thing will never happen again to anyone.
Do take care.