It is my desire to help as many women and men through my contents to look well, dress well and go out their to fulfill purpose. Let’s face it, how we look is an essential part of how we present ourselves and how people see us whether we like it or not. In the real world, they say it takes 8 seconds to make the right impression and once that chance is lost, it may be hard to get another.
Also my believe is, you do not have to have a lot to look a lot, even if you are on a very tight budget, you can still dress well, look well and be fabulous. So today, I bring you, how to shop for clothes on a budget.
Trend & Sale
I learnt the Art vs Science Rule recently in Analytics and this proofs that our previous behaviour determines what we do in the future especially online. This is also applicable in the real world, if you are used to just shopping without any structure, strategy or plan, you will always repeat the same thing.
TREND and SALE are two of the reasons why we shop till we drop. We buy because it’s in “vogue” or because it’s on sale. We buy when they don’t need it or because someone else has got it. Most of us have a closet full of clothes but don’t have anything to wear. If you have ever suffered from “my wardrobe is full but I don’t have what to wear syndrome” then here’s a guide to shopping for what you need and not just for shopping sake………..
Rule Number One ::: De-clutter/Detox/Purge your closet .i.e. let go of things you don’t need.
a, if you don’t wear those clothes anymore;
b, if you haven’t worn them in months / years;
c, if you have gained / lost weight and not planning on returning to your former size;
d, if your lifestyle has changed e.g. if you used to be a stay at home mom and now you work in a corporate world….i.e. from sweat pants to formal outfits. It doesn’t mean you won’t have any casual clothes or sports wear, it means you now have a work life and home life. You can create a wardrobe that will meet your needs for both worlds. It is not as bad. On another post, I will share TIPS on how to maximise your wardrobe or closet for work, play and occasions.
Rule Number Two :::: Know the things you need. Make a list
a, Colours e.g. green/red/blue.
b, Shape e.g. peplum/tunic/fitted/ drape e.t.c
c, Texture/Fabric e.g. silk/chiffon/cotton/lace e.t.c
Now you know the things you need, there’s a clear picture like this…GREEN(colour), PEPLUM(shape), MADE OUT OF LACE(fabric).
Rule Number Three ::: Draw Out a Strategy For Shopping
a, Draw a budget.i.e the amount you intend to spend on clothes for that particular point in time. Don’t forget you have other bills to pay. Life is more than just buying clothes. Being broke is not trendy anymore. If you missed my common sense tip on saving money, please check HERE
b, Work strictly within your drawn budget. You can always shop another time.
c,Try as much as possible to bring ONLY the card/cash you intend to spend. Don’t bring extra cash/credit card so you are not tempted to exceed your budget. Bring coins for packing at the shopping mall/market.
d, you can bring lunch except of course you are getting a treat on the day by eating out. Well, wait till you finish shopping and let it look like a pat on the back for a job well done.
Rule Number Four ::: Location or Where to Shop
a, Ensure the shopping mall of your choice houses a variety of shops. e.g Zara /H&M / Debenhams / Coast / Karen Millen etc.
b, Plan to arrive on time. That way you can take your time to try things on and you won’t have to return half of the things you pick out.
c, Know the time the mall opens and closes so you are not rushed. Rushing could make you buy the things you don’t like / want / need.
Rule Number Five ::: Shopping Time & Shopping is Fun
a, Try on clothes and ensure they fit really well. Ask for a second opinion if you are not sure. The shop / sales associates are always very happy to help, just be nice to them.
b, Ensure you like the clothes because if you don’t like them at the shopping mall, you won’t like them later.
c, Check quality and certify them okay before buying . i.e. hems/ stitching/zips etc. Even though you can’t control when a zip would break, you would have taken caution at least.
d, Buy things you can wear more than ones. i.e if a blouse, ensure you can wear it with a skirt / trouser / jeans etc. This is why is is important to consider rule umber one above.
e, Don’t go too trendy. Classic is always timeless and more practical e.g. you can never go wrong with a basic clean crisp white shirt. There are a list of other classic items. Classic does not mean boring / old fashion. Think of Coco Channel..timeless, classic and stylish.
Rule Number Six ::: Receipt
a, Ensure you collect and keep your receipt.
You may need them for exchange(if colours don’t work), refunds(if a damage occurs within the 28 / 30days period, this is usually stated on the receipt and varies from store to store), and as proof of purchase(in case there’s a security
Rule Number Seven ::: Play Dress Up
a, Try out new clothes and incorporate them into existing items in your closet.
b, Don’t be afraid to try clothes in different ways. You’d be shock what you’d put together. Buy fashion magazines, they give you ideas. Pick up free catalogues in stores, they are your shopping guideline and also to direct you on new ways to wear your clothes.
c, Plan outfits. Planing helps you look put together and also like you put a thought into what you are wearing /will be wearing.
d, You can repeat your clothes. Women like to shy away from this by considering what others would think. By adding different things like accessories / blazer/ heels, you can transform an outfit into something different.
e, Have fun. Take photos and share with your friends. Your followers on Instagram will be glad to see your new photos.
Here on the blog, I share many impeccable fashion and styling TIPS and look books like this one here. Visit the blog daily for updates. If you need my help with styling advice, shopping and all things styling, you can email me on I will be happy to help.
I want to thank you so much for stopping by and for reading. If you are on a budget, i hope this guidelines help you to shop effectively. Looking good does not have to make you broke or break the bank. My take is this, if I don’t buy it, what will happen? Guess what, nothing will!
Other Posts on Shopping
The Joy of Online Shopping HERE
How to Shop The Best Silver Jewellery HERE
Want more out of life? Want to Invest in yourself? Propel your life forward? Find, live and fulfill your purpose and maximise the potential of your gifts? My Self Help Amazon Bestselling book, “Use What You Have” would help you do so. Get yours HERE (US) & HERE (UK)
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Thanks Moj. It is very helpful.
Thanks Sam.
Great post hun.I always go shopping with a plan and a list in my head of what I need.
Thanks Stella