Taking risks is sometimes inevitable in life. We think of our next big idea and we go ahead to chase them. While we go ahead to take a risk or a take a bold step, it is always important that we LISTEN.
Maya Angelou says and I quote…. “it is when we listen in the quietude of our hearts that we can hear the voice of God”
Most of us go ahead to do things without listening. We rush at things without even thinking of the consequences that could follow.
Inside of all of us, there is a GOD! What do I mean by this ?
There is something you believe in, there is something you call upon and there is something that cautions you when making/taking a decision. That thing that cautions you when you are about to take any steps whether good or bad is the God inside of you. While some us call that thing conscience, I call it God inside of you.
Some of us take risks that could change our lives permanently. For e.g, a man who decides to hook up with a side chic. Before he goes ahead to commit the self pleasure, he would have thought about it and he would hope that his partner never finds out. While planning and making this decisions to commit this sin, the God inside of him would be cautioning him but he would still go ahead to do the wrong. This kind of act could break a home permanently. Not only will he be resented by the partner but the children will suffer from his wrong doing.
Any time we want to take any decisions in life be it good or bad, it is important for us to be quiet and LISTEN.
It is when we listen that we can hear.
Don’t rush at any thing, be still or be quiet and LISTEN……..Motivation for Monday
How are you doing today ?
Over the weekend, I got a new hair installed, one of the ways I keep warm in the colder months is to wear a “divalicious”or big weaves like the the one I have on. Check here and here for more “divalicious” hair from last winter.
When I was planning to get this hear done, I could only think of Tina Turner. If you have ever seen the proud Mary music video on stage, you will know what I mean. In the video, Ms Tina wore this gorgeous curly weave and mini skirt and danced like her life depended on the show. I will follow with a mini skirt look book soon.
Since we find inspiration every where, I thought why not turn Tina ?
A lot of you may be wondering what hair did I use ?
I used Bebe curls from Expression (synthetic hair) mixed with Black Pearl Nature Cutest curls (human hair ).
All together I used almost 4 bundles. 2 bundles/pack of the expression bebe curls in colour 33 and 1 and half of the black pearl nature curls in colour 2
Maintenance is super easy and longevity will be determined by how well you can manage your hair. I wear night/ sleeping cap and I use soft and free hair activator and moisturiser when I need to. To avoid creasy hair, I use activator occasionally.
To wash, I use Tresemme dry shampoo, blow dry, add a little hair activator and that it is. I will be wearing this for a minimum of 6 weeks.
And that is it from me today my Lovelies. So tell me how do you keep warm in the colder months? Would love to hear from you.
Happy World’s teachers day to all the teachers in the world. Are you teacher ? I celebrate you, it is because of you that we can read and write. You made me who I am today. Thank you.
I want to thank you so much for stopping by today. I am always happy to see you here.
Wishing you a fantastic week filled with God’s love, favour and peace. It is my prayer also for you that whatever you do, you LISTEN to the God inside of you.
Much Love, Mojisola.
I was wearing a turtle neck from COS, here // Mac’s currant lip liner on the LIPS
Photos by Claire
Catch up with me on Facebook//Twitter//Instagram//Youtube
Your hairrrrrr is everything!!!!! Woohoooo I LOVE IT! I want it, I enviously wish I could pull it off too. You look gorgeous
wishing you an awesome start to the weekend
Good to see you Dana. Hope you are doing well beautiful. Been to your blog a couple of times, are you still blogging? Please let me know. Take care of you.
Much Love.
so cool
Thank you Arne. Good to see you here. Take care.
Your hair looks so sexy and fabulous. You just inspired me with this post. I have natural hair and this will be a good protection move for the winter.
Thanks Dana. Much love.
Loving the new hair girl. Flawless.
Thanks beautiful Stella.
Wow! What’s love got to do with? Everything! This hair cut/style is so pretty on you. It helps that you have a gorgeous face. Not everyone can pull this off but you’re rocking it Tina. Oops, I mean, Mojisola. Lol.
I love your comments, they make me smile. Thanks beautiful.
Nice to see you rocking a new look, the curls are super cute! I live for watching Tina’s various Proud Mary live performances- I miss that raw fire, energy and talent- her costumes, those legs…tsigh….
Thank you love. Where have you been ? Hope you are well. Take care.
Morning Moji, thanks for asking where I’ve been:its nice when blogs/people you follow notice. The answer is a looooong story, which I touch on, on my blog but to summarise: I had a few complications with my show. Producing and hosting a TV show for a network in Nigeria, when you’re in Europe no be small ting, and my dad wasn’t well. Mix that with the job I do for the school in Nigeria, travelling and life meant I had to take a step back from the blogging world. But I’m baaaack! x
Glad you are well beautiful. Hope dad is better. I know all about producing a show on your own, it’s not an easy thing but you are fabulous. The one you did before was great. This will be greater I believe. Take care. Will send you a mail.
Thanks hon and YAY to sending me a mail! x
This hairstyle looks fantastic on you, Mojisola! Tina Turner is amazing and you nailed the look! Love it! Have a fun week!
xo, Bry
Thanks a lot Bry. God bless.
Your hair is flawless in this post! You’re like a chameleon! You can pull just about any look off! #Gorgeous
A| https://norulejuststyle.wordpress.com/
Hello Moji,
Your hair is so stunning and the style suits you.