If you are following me on Instagram, you may have seen a photo of me on a flight. Yes, I took a quick trip to London to do personal shopping for a Senior Sales Director with a reputable cosmetics company.
Doing personal shopping for clients is one of the things this blog has afforded me amongst so many other things. I am not talking about €20-€50 kind of personal shopping pay, I am talking about personal shopping with “pro pay”. Personal shopping in London ranges between £300-£1000 depending on where and what you are shopping for. In case you don’t know, London is a very big city that is fast, fashionable and very well populated. In the city of London alone, there are hundreds and hundreds of personal shoppers…..
Instead of the director to get one of the London personal shoppers, she choose to fly me down from Dublin. Amazing right? It is all about PROFESSIONALISM & HONESTY. For people who are regular readers of the blog, I do not hide it that I am a dreamer. Yes, I am and for that reason, I am announcing that I am still dreaming of doing personal shopping and styling in many more parts of the world. There you have it. Oh by the way, did I tell you I also did one in Greece & Italy before? Yes, I was flown down to those places to style clients and in many more places in the UK and right here in my home town.
Blogging for you may be something you do as a hobby or it may be a business for you. No mater what your intention / goal is about your blog, be sure to do it professionally. The thing about blogging is that a lot of people are watching and from different parts of the world too. When you do it professionally, people can see that and when you don’t, people can see it too.
When people see you do what you do professionally……….
First, they pay attention to you.
Secondly, they begin to follow your journey.
Thirdly, they begin to trust you, what you share, what you have to offer and they become loyal to you.
Fourthly, you become an authority in your niche.
Honestly, the above 4 points are the same thing for every Entrepreneur. It is all about Professionalism first and then trust. When people trust you in your niche, they will buy into what you have to offer. So do you know your niche? I do Fashion, Beauty & Motivation. Motivation because I love to see other people succeed especially women.
Where Professionalism comes in
Respect your Audience
When people leave you comments or send you mails, it is important to acknowledge those mails and respond to them professionally and timely too. If possible, respond to them as soon as you see them.
What that means is that you care about your audience and it also means you are serious and are professional in what you do.
Ignore the Bullsh*t
Did I just say bullsh*t? As you all know, I don’t cause neither do I swear. And NO, I do not have any problems with people who do. It is a matter of choice I believe and I respect everybody’s opinion.
What am I saying? There are a lot of negative people on the web who look for blogs like yours and mine to vent their angers. When you see that kind of negative energy or negative comments, ignore them for a minute. Then take a moment to digest the comment(s) and see if their is anything you can take away / learn from it. If there is nothing you can learn from it, just ignore it/them. By the way, one way to tame such comments is to moderate your comments and then approve if you want to.
I remember getting a comment on the photo below that my legs are too skinny and that I should only be wearing maxi dresses to cover them up. While someone left me that kind of comment, another lady from Tanzania sent me a direct message on Instagram about the same picture telling me how they love my style very much.
What I did was that I let the positive outweigh the negative. I wasn’t angry or upset, I just ensured to focus on the positive. I personally think I looked hot in that picture. Do you think so too? See it below…..
I also talked about dealing with such bullsh*ts online in one of my videos I did recently. See it below………
What you should take away from this post
1, Do as you please on your blog but do it professionally. If you are one who is looking to work with brands, ensure to be professional. Before brands reach out to you, they would have checked out your blog to see what you are up to. They want to see if you will represent their brand well and so on.
2, Be truthful : If it is white, call it white and not grey. When you tell a lie, you are likely to tell 50 more to cover that one lie and when lie is the order of the day in your work, it may have consequences or ruin your chances of doing greater things. so #betruthfulalways.
3, Share genuinely : blogging is content marketing whether we like it or not. It is a way to say, I know what I am talking about. If you are a fashion blogger, it is not only about taking the best photos in the best outfits. While that is very important, it is important to share valuable contents with the people who visit your blog.
4, Create a Niche : in number one above, I mentioned that it is okay to do as you please on your blog. That is fine but you want to be sure that you are known for something. For example, I like to be an authority in Fashion and fashion writing and that was why I invested money in Image Consulting. No, they didn’t teach me fashion writing in Image consulting school but I have a flare for writing so I choose fashion writing. While fashion and fashion writing are what I want to be known for, I do beauty and motivation as a content marketer or content creator. WHY? Because beauty goes hand in hand with fashion and I love to encourage people to be who they want to be, hence motivation.
So what should people call me then? Blogger? Yes, blogger is simply a term used to describe someone who shares information online. I would say I am a content creator or content marketer because I share fashion online to let people know that I know what I am talking about.
YOU! What do you want to be known for? Think about if for a moment.
5, Consistency : this is about the hardest part to do. It is hard to continue to do anything if nobody seem to be noticing. It is hard I must tell you. When I first started Moj in Touch, I felt as though nobody was watching/reading. Yes, I felt that way. Unknown to me, a lot of people were watching from a distance but they weren’t just saying anything yet. People start saying something when they continue to see you.
Can I be honest? One day, someone reached out to me on my Face book page and requested that I help them write an article for their site because they have been watching for a long time and that they liked my work very much. They told me they have a budget and I asked what is it? They told me the amount which was “£££” for 3 articles. I said NO and negotiated higher. They agreed to how much I wanted, I wrote for them and DELIVERED what I promised(very important in building trust) and since then I have helped them execute so many bigger things. That was my breakthrough in monetising my blog. So be consistent and be patient to get result.
If you don’t have a Facebook page as a Blogger, get one now!
Allow me to stop here today. If you haven’t learnt anything from me today, be sure to take the word professionalism and honesty away. Have those 2 in your blogging journey and in whatever you do and you will go far and make success out if it. To be continued…..
Also, these are some of the things I have experienced in my own blogging journey so far. Our journeys may be different don’t forget but I love sharing mine with you NOT to brag but to HELP because I love to see other people succeed too. I truly hope you find the TIPS helpful. Feel free to share your own tips / experience with me in the comments below.
Read Blogging Mistakes I could have avoided part 1 HERE & part 2 HERE
I want to thank you so much for stopping by today and for reading. I am always very happy to see you stop by.
Did you find this post helpful?
Firstly, let me know in the comments below and of course, share it with your blogger friend, sister and wife if you have one.
Much Love, Mojisola.
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Hello Mojisola , I read your article and found it very useful, it is full of great advice, especially now that I decided to devote more time to my blog and I have created a new section, I’d like to know what you think.
Thank you very much
Hi Eliose,
Thank you for stopping by. Congratulations on creating the new section. Wishing you the very best with it.
And yes, I will check it out and let you know what I think.
Take care of you.
Wow Moj, you say it like you mean it. Well done. You are going places by God’s grace. Keep working and I will be following your journey all the way ??
Thank you so much Chi Chi. Always good to hear from you.
Take care of you ?
I for one think that outfit makes your legs look amazing – though admittedly I mostly looked at those fierce shoes!
As always, you have such great advice – thank you for sharing it with us!
I believe you Sarah
Those are the kinds of people who bully teenagers online. It is a shame.
Thank you for reading. Are you all set for the weekend. Cheers to a great one.
Wowwww Moji!
The effort you put in your blog cannot even be put in words! Talking of being professional! That’s what I get from your blog! And its paying back! The tips you wrote are very true! I believe a lot in engaging with your audience! At times I get confused whether its a good thing to do, cause if you notice, most of the bloggers rarely do it! But this post has reassured me that it is totally ok to engage with your audience! I mean, when someone spares a minute to appreciate your work, the least that one can do is to say thank you, right?
But I think I’m ready to take my blog to the next level! I have been thinking about it for a while! I’m almost reaching my one year mark this month and I have learnt a lot! Its all about dedication and consistency! Consistency is Key! I have learnt it the hard way! Thank you for sharing this my dear.. Looking forward for more
Thank you Milly for reading.
I do know a lot of Bloggers don’t respond to comments. NO, there is nothing wrong with that BUT responding to comments or replying to queries just goes to show you care and appreciate their time. That is my personal approach really.
It is different if one has hundreds of thousands of users / readers, it may be hard then but starting out or with moderate audience, one should keep in touch with readers / fans / subscribers. It is important in building a community.
Take care of you and Keep doing your best.
Much Love ?
I hope you come in Greece again soon Mojisola, it would be such a pleasure to meet you! I am very happy that your dreams are coming true and that you were flown from Dublin to London for this job! I really enjoy reading your posts and inspiring words every time. Professionalism and honesty are the keys for a blogger to be successful.
PS: I am a proud dreamer too hehe! I strongly believe that if you want something within your heart and dream it, it will manifest!
Thank you for one more inspiring post and stories and have a happy Friday!
Kisses from Mykonos!
It will be my pleasure to meet you too Stella. You are amazing.
Take care of you. God bless.
This is such a great read Mojisola! You always have such inspiring post, and I love your positive outlook on life. Professionalism and honesty really are the keys to being successful in life. I’m a firm believer in dreaming big too. I think if you put it out to the universe and God, then it will manifest in your life. Congrats on your recent trip to London, that must have been so much fun.
Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Jackie
Thank you Jackie for reading and for the feedback. You inspire me. God bless. Have a fab weekend.
Another well written post. Granted it’s your personal opinion and from you experience, I agree 100%. Much like in life, you have to conduct yourself in a professional manner (unless behind closed doors, ha!). One you leave your residence, no matter where you are, someone is watching or at minimum, taking a glimpse of you. You also need to respect people. Something our parents told us as children and carries on to adulthood. That never changes. We people decide to be unkind thru words, especially on social media, all you need to do is ignore. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion regardless if you like it or not. I believe kind, friendly & professional behavior wins out over time. Plus, no one got ahead in life or in their career by being nasty all the time.