Agbani Darego is one of my favourite people in the whole world. For one, she was once a Miss World and secondly, she has an effortless style with class and grace. Every time I see her, she is wearing something minimal with clean lines and very au-natural make up. I just followed her on Instagram actually….
So, I did a Winter beauty favourites and exercise routine video, I uploaded it to YouTube and while I was still there, YouTube fed me a video that matched my tags and the video was that of Agbani. I clicked on it and to my utmost surprise, Agbani shared a beauty secret I am about to share with you today…..
What is the Greatest Beauty Secret?
Skin care is good – check!. Moisturiser is good – check!. Exfoliating and Facials are good – check!. While all those are good, honestly, the best beauty secret in my humble opinion would has to be exercise, especially in the Winter when all we do is eat and feel cosy at home, of course after work for working folks.
Advantages of Exercising
Let’s face it, Winter time is when most of us gain the most weight. And when we are not physically fit, we tend to be tired, feel heavier and whether we like it or not, it affects our mood. On the other hand, when we are physically fit, we tend to be full of energy, more productive and we go out and about as if we haven’t done “anything all day”, because we don’t get tired easily. In simple words, exercising makes us more active, do much more and the good effect of it can also be seen on our skin in form of CLEAR SKIN.
Talking about mood and exercising, research has proven that physical fitness is linked to emotional stability. When you are in a good state physically, your emotion tends to be balance. No stupid mood swings and on and on.
How to Start Exercising
I wasn’t surprised to see Agbani say that, “exercise is one of the best beauty secret ever” because, truly exercise is the best beauty secret ever. I have shared my simple fitness routine with you before. If you missed it, please check HERE. We must all get some exercise in. Exercising could be a lifestyle. We do not have to start out by running 10k everyday, we can start small. A five minutes work out at home / 3 times a week would make a lot of difference in our physical fitness, then we can increase our routine gradually. We can also start out by taking long walks, brisk walks and then doubling up by jogging and on and on. But whatever we do, we should or must all find a routine that we can incorporate into our current lifestyle.
The secret to exercising is to start small and then increase pace little by little. Trying to do everything in a day could be too much and could discourage us from exercising. Let’s take the little by little, day by day approach. This is what works.
My Current Beauty Favourites & Exercise & Fitness Routine
Like I said from the start, this post was inspired by a video I made and then backed up by Agbani’s beauty secret. I shared some of my fitness and current beauty favourites on video, here goes….
I do hope you found this post helpful and the video enjoyable and helpful too. As always thank you so much for viewing. Let’s have it mind that, the best beauty secret amongst many other things like good diet, skin care, hydration, rest and sleep, that exercise is the best beauty secret. You can learn more on good skin care by checking HERE
And hey, what is your own beauty secret, please share that with me in the comments below. If you have any questions too, please ASK. Do take care guys. And Compliments of the season / Happy holidays / Merry Christmas to you my friends.
Much Love, Mojisola
Just getting even a little exercise in the winter makes such a huge difference. Not just physically, but mentally – I feel good when I get in a nice, long walk, and that has to be reflected in my mood and therefore how I look and present myself to the world!
I know you don’t joke with your walks.
Although hard, it makes a lot of difference
Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas.
I totally agree with you, hopefully that will be the goals of our resolution for 2018.
I strongly believe beauty depends on our spirit and of how we feel about ourselves.
Will definitely get back on track to start exercising more often as it ha a positive impact in our mood.
Thank you for sharing the tips.
Happy holidays gorgeous!
Thanks for stopping by Sara. Cheers