There are just so many reasons to adore vintage jewellery, particularly when it comes to engagement rings. Here are the top five reasons women love vintage engagement rings.
- They Are Affordable
When it comes to price, vintage jewellery wins. While precious and rare rings, certainly fetch a hefty price at auction, there are a lot of affordable pieces on the market and a range of vintage style rings you can find in local jewellery shops, too. You can find vintage engagement rings to fit just about any budget and in many cases, it can cost a lot less than buying a brand new ring.
- It’s An Ethical Choice
Most of us are already aware of the ethical dilemmas of purchasing a brand new engagement ring, particularly one containing diamonds. While there have been numerous steps taken to address the ethical issues with diamond sourcing, the process still risks failure. Buying vintage rings is an excellent alternative since most of them pre-date the use of diamond mining to fund conflict and wars. What’s more, purchasing vintage jewellery reduces the demand on diamond, gemstone, and gold mines.
- It Connects You to History
There really is a romantic essence in wearing a family heirloom, like grandma’s ring. While not everyone is lucky enough to receive an heirloom, buying vintage is another way to connect to history. Whether a woman decides to wear an antique band as her own, picked one in a similar style or from a historical period that was part of the life of someone important, you’ll just love the story it comes with. Wearing something vintage is like a thread that ties you to a special past. You can check some of the fabulous vintage style engagement rings from Kalmar or in your local antique jewellery shops.
- It’s Unique
One of the things many women agree on when it comes to vintage engagement rings is the wealth of designs and styles available. The older pieces were usually hand-made and custom-made. Once methods of mass production came to be, it was still common to come across custom pieces and those that incorporated skilled details like hand engraving.
Whether the piece you choose was custom-made or catalogue-ordered, chances are you won’t find someone else wearing the same design. What’s more, with so many amazing periods and designs to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect piece to suit your taste and lifestyle. (Learn more about Kalmar Antiques and their antique ring offerings)
- It’s Timeless
Design trends are loads of fun, but when it comes to that investment piece, especially an engagement ring, there’s a lot to be said for that timeless choice. Choosing an antique engagement ring is the perfect way to pick something timeless.
While modern trends certainly do reference historical designs all the time, a real vintage ring will always have a different look and feel to more modern pieces. Even if the design was the “in” thing 100 years ago, a classic piece from pretty much any era is sure to stand the test of time.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for reading.
Thanks for reminding me to harass the H. I need a ring update, lol..Great post.
Stella, catch him at a good time…wink. Thank you for reading.
Just like Stella I need a replacement. Lost mine years ago but no vintage for me. On the other hand, you got me thinking about the ethical issues that surrounds diamond.
I’d say remind hubby ahead of time and don’t forget to tell him what you want, be specific. The secret is catching them at a good time

The ones I had on were not the ones I got for the wedding really, those were the ones I got in the 7th year anniversary. I wanted bigger, I got bigger, love them….”greedy wife syndrome”
Now, let me know how you get on Sade

Take care of you and thanks for reading.