It is not so obvious but the same letters that spell the word silent actually spells the word listen. Let me list both words below and what they mean:
SILENT: not speaking. Silence can also mean the lack of audible sound, or the presence of sounds of very low intensity. The word silence can also refer analogously to any absence of communication or hearing, including in media other than speech and music
LISTEN: to make an effort to hear something; be alert and ready to hear something
Today on motivation for Monday, I want to encourage you on what I call, “silent everything and listen to you”
I believe very much that there is greatness inside of EVERYONE of us. All of us were born to be great because we have unique gifts and abilities that can make us stand out and fulfil our potential. Even though we have all being born uniquely with great potentials, not all of of us do well in life. WHY? This is because we DO NOT LISTEN ENOUGH to ourselves. Instead, we listen to and believe what every other person say about us…..
See the words listen and silent are spelt by the same letters but as seen above, they mean entirely different things. To silent anything means that you are not hearing from anyone or anything around you. To listen means you are indeed attentive to something, are ready and are alert to hear something.
Maya Angelous says, “it is in the quietude of your heart that you hear the voice of God”. What is the voice of God? It is the still small voice inside of you that tells you to do something great, the one that tells you to go after your dreams, the one that tells you, you can do it. The one that tells you, you are enough and your gifts are enough for you to fulfil your purpose in life.
This week, I want to encourage you to silent all the voices that says to you that you can’t do it, all the voices that say, it can’t be done, all the voices that say, it is too difficult to do, all the voices that says, it is impossible or not achievable, if you call them negative voices, you would be right….JUST SILENT THEM by focusing on what is right and noble, meditating and praying about your dreams and goals and then gradually working on them……..
Now, I want you to listen to that still small voice inside of you that says, you are enough, confident, brave, bold, great, smart, intelligent, brilliant, talented, gifted, not mediocre, not lazy, not average and then go out there and do whatever it is you hear yourself say to you. Pay attention to yourself and LISTEN TO YOURSELF and then do what your mind tells you to do. YES YOU CAN DO IT.
Now let’s do a little exercise…..Say the following with me:
I am enough
I am smart
I am talented
I am intelligent
I am not average
I am beautiful
I am not mediocre
I am brilliant
I am confident
I am destined to be great……
How does that make you feel? Good, I believe. There is power in I am. With that power of I am in you, LISTEN to you and silent every negative voices be it the enemy within or outside of you that says, you can’t be who God has called you to be. Now go and fulfil purpose….
Friends, I believe in YOU and I know you were born to be great…..
To learn more on Creating the Life You Want, Please check out my book, Create the Life You Want HERE
I was wearing: AQAQ Skirt | Zara Men’s Shirt (AW ’17 collection)
I want to thank you so very much for stopping by today and for reading. See, life is what we make it. Please do give yourself the chance to LISTEN to yourself and be you were called to be. YOU WERE BORN TO BE GREAT. Although greatness differs, own your own great.
All the very best and Much love. Please do share this post with your friends and on your social media networks. Thanks for doing so.
Wonderful advice Mojisola! (As always!) I look forward to reading your motivational Monday posts!
Thank you Linda
Oh, I love this post. It’s so easy to get lost and to doubt ourselves in today’s society. I love the positive affirmations that you’ve listed for us, it’s a great way to start the day.
Hope you’re having a great week so far!
xo, Jackie
Thank you Jackie
Really inspiring.
Thanks for this affirmations, they helped a lot
Hope you enjoyed your week
Thank you Sam